Wednesday 3 October 2012

i'm lost..

recently .  working isnt effective at all... 
quarreling over and over again .. what's the problem ?
idk what is happening y'know ?
but i'm tired.. i'm really tired of every shit already . your attitude...
do i expect too much ? time, attention , care and concern. that's what i'm asking for only . 
is that alot ? isnt that what a boyfriend should do ? what have you given me ? money and a shelter.
i rather not have that you know ? what am i to you ?
i dont even look like your girlfriend . 
you know , even when i'm sick . i dont even dare to tell you . cos i know you'll either not give a fuck or scold me. when would u even care?

sometimes. i envy couples outside .... i really do ... i dont even have friends now. i only have you .  wo ba ni dang chen quan bu . ni que ba wo dang chen kong qi .
why ? wo dui qing dui ai quan dou be zen kui qian ni.

i'm tired ... you didnt gave me ANY attention. basic respect ... when i'm out with you , i dont even look like your girlfriend. just someone that follows everywhere you go . 
everyday we're quarreling ... not even a day we're not quarreling . NOT EVEN A DAY.
how cool is that ?
maybe we isnt fit fit to be together . 

if really one day i'm sick ... and i'm admitted to e hospital. i wonder if you would be bother to visit . would you even bother to concern.

it hurts damn lot. you hurt me alot...
maybe there is other better girl even suitable for you outside... all the best to you boy. hope you'll really find a girl to tahan your bloody attitude for 2 fucking years. accept you even you betrayed her over and over again . living with you . able to be okay if you dont give a fuck a bout her, when she is sick, dont bother . blames everything on her . well. goodluck man :) i know you are able to find someone else :) 
but will it last is another question . hopefully you can.

你 想要 的

我 却 不能 够 给 你 我 全部

我 能 给 的

却 又 不 是 你 想要 拥有 的

我们 不适 合 也 不 想 认输

好 几 次 我们 抱 着 彼此 都 是 想要 哭

你 常 解释 这样 的 一切 都 只是 开始

我 觉得 是 所有 的 一切 早 就 已 结束

不 想 再 约束

不要 再 痛苦

下 一次 会 有 更好 的 情 路

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